Well heck, it’s February and here I am wishing you a better late than never Happy New Year!
But I’m ahead of the race with Happy Love Your Bike Buddy Day!
Can you believe it’s almost Valentine’s Day?
The last couple days felt like summer. Today is 27* and crazy wet winds blowing. Not that I’m counting, but in less than 30 days… Daylight Savings Time tosses us straight into Spring!
Calls for a happy dance on the pedals!
So let’s see where did I drop off… Somewhere along the lines of “With all that is going on in the world today, it’s nice to know that there are beautiful peoples and incredible experiences populating our planet, paving it with love
and kindness and giving way to inspire radness.”
Yep, that’s it!
I’m here to tell you that, that belief, is still shining bright in my heart and mind even though 2018 was no easy year.
There was much chaos and loads of pain. There were many, many physical therapy sessions and rained out play dates and events.
There were distracted drivers, mean people, floods and all sorts of obstacles to clear. But…
There was much awesomeness sprinkled along the way.
I finally was able to take a trip back to Colorado to visit with friends and take in a cross race in Buena Vista. Nothing like having those majestic 14’ers
as your backdrop on a beautiful sunny day in October, watching kids of All ages, dressed up and pedaling it out in costume for Muerte Cross. Thanks Matt W. for pulling that off! I’ve known Matt a couple years from BoneShaker Cycles where this time I met and instantly took a liking to the new owners, Joe and Simon. Wishing all great success! Do stop in and visit the bike shop when you’re in the area and give them a Hey Howdy from me..
Buena Vista is also where I made an other bunch of new friends. It started with a reply to a post on Instagram. Then an email, a phone call, and next thing you know,
I’m chilling’ on Main Street B.V. with a gang of Bandido bike-cross riders and their cheer squad wearing radiant smiles.
El Bandido Maximo was Matt. Yep, an other Matt. This one also joins the list of life loving, mischievous, hard working, hard playing Matthews on my mani-fest.
He also doubled as my hero in times of need. [Insert distracted drivers, drama, insurance companies, freezing cold, busted nose…]
Matt was kind enough to take me in to his home for a night or week 😉 while I was in the Denver area after leaving Buena Vista in my rearview mirror.
He rescued me and my totaled vehicle. I won’t get into the accident. Suffice to say, I miss my adventure ride and say to drivers of the world…
Get off your phones! Please, Stop hitting me with your cars and trucks!
Somehow amongst all the required mayhem, emotions, contusions and pain that accompanies an accident we managed to eat ice cream and get a podcast done.
Yes, PODCAST! Exciting right?
Matt is the voice behind the Matt Sodnicar Podcast on Sound Cloud and the COO of The Warm Front – A handy and comfy little item I recommend for all you outdoors folks. [I’ll link everyone up on this post at the end]
He’s also a pretty great guy. Think he’s stuck with me on this journey of bike life. No, not that way, get your mind out of the gutter. He’s a friend. A very cool friend and mentor. If you’re reading this Matt, I really appreciate you!
My other good buddy of so many years I can’t count, Craig also made time to share some hugs and rescue car parts. I’m sensing a theme here… Before all the crazy began, Jen and her new beautiful baby girl and I got to visit, catch up and go home build/remodel shopping -[Always fun to dream] My dear friend Dilia, an amazing jewelry designer also took me and all my gear in for a few days in the middle of a snow storm and taught me cool new beading tricks. And Jonie, well if anyone can make me laugh in times of tears and frustration… I tell you, I am blessed with wonderful friends!
With all that kindness splashed around, I finally made it back home. I week or so behind schedule but in the studio and working on bicibits.2019.
Fast forward a few bits,
The BIND.org Masquerade Gala was a huge success with the “Unveiling Brain Injury” Masks Project -More on that to come.
Christmas day I hopped on a plane and headed west. Tucson bound with reindeer antlers proudly serving as my super hero tiara, as that was my 1st plane ride in a very long time. Had the most blissful, amazing time with yet again great friends Mary and Ken, and Michelle and Lance and Joey-the trail dog, who joined us to celebrate the 1st of the year on a chilly but gorgeous day. Over 2 weeks of hiking and artwork, mini road trips, beer tasting, tall prickly trees and lots of naps. Just what this soul needed.
Well, there’s loads more, and many other special people to thank. But I’m out of words and time, so just a quick huge shout out to
Susan from RCKN It Daily whom I’ve actually never met in person, but has continuously been there for me for over a year, making sure I deliver my best each day. There’s Heather from BikeDFW, let’s just call her mom in charge of us big bike kids. Thanks for all you do!
Of course my own mom. There’s no other. Gracias Mami for all things!
That’s all I got.
Now I must build and ship out some Valentine’s Day ride smiles and connect with some new bicibits ambassadors.
Just wanted to catch up and send my love and huge thanks for sticking with me on this journey. Couldn’t do it without you! Remember to squeeze each other tight and grab all you can out of life’s little moments.
As Always, Pedal on with a smile in your heart…
xx Silvana
Bike Vibes, happy faces and amazing spaces photos posted below.
Listen To The PODCAST Here:
Soundcloud bicibits Matt Sodnicar
Here’s a little scoop on Boneshaker Cycles:
Chaffee County Times
Boneshaker Cycles
Doing more of what you love in the cold is easy peasy with The WarmFront
Susan Rocks it daily right here:
I love to sponsor such great groups and orgs!

https://bicibits.com_The gang in Tucson